Growing green
Boloria euphrosyne on Dactylorhiza maculata
Those shoes!
Morning light panorama
The rest of the family were still sleeping while I sneaked out with my camera. The sunrises on Langkawi were quite nice, so I wanted to capture as much as possible of that wonderful morning light.
(An hour or so later, I had company with the rest of the family on the breakfast restaurant on the roof of the house on the right.)
Sunset on the lake
Sunbathing in the glade
I was out for a short walk in the forest. I wasn’t planning on walking in any rough terrain, so I didn’t wear my hiking boots, just my sandals. Then I saw this little fellow a few meters off the path. Naturally, I had to step out into the vegetation to get a closer look at this beautiful reptile. In retrospect, it might not have been the smart thing to do. But it didn’t bite me, so I guess it’s all right.