Under the palm trees

Almost every evening on Langkawi, we walked along the beach under the palm trees watching the sun set in the sea. In my opinion it was a rather nice way to spend the evening.​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Warm waters

I admit it: I miss traveling!
After more than a year without traveling I feel the need to travel in my dreams. To close my eyes, smell the sea, feel a warm breeze in my hair and the hot sand under my feet and to hear the kids play in the warm waters of South East Asia…​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Infrared insect

I was out for a short walk in the neighborhood exploring my newly bought full-spectrum converted camera. On my way back I saw this nice flower with its little guest. To my surprise the insect didn’t move when I approached, but allowed me to take this photo.​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Moody morning

I realize that the title “Moody morning” makes it sound as if I were in a bad mood. But that was not the case at all. My daughter and I were just visiting this beach to see if it would be a good place to enjoy the sunrise. The sky, however, looked quite moody…​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Evening view

After a long car trip it felt good to stand outside on the porch for a while enjoying the sunset over a winter landscape.

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Time for a winter bath

On my way home I passed this little frozen oasis. I almost considered taking a winter bath, but I hadn’t brought my towel. Next time perhaps… :)​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Sunset over the mountain

I have captured this view before, during summer. That time I was eaten alive by about two million mosquitoes. This time, however, I was alone on the mountain.

​(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Together on the top

While cross-country skiing on the mountain I passed this couple. They seemed pretty weathered, but at least they had each other.​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Winter road

This is a panorama I made with my iPhone 11 Pro, while balancing on top of a big pile of snow next to this winter road. I think the phone did a pretty good job of letting the colors shift from a pale yellow to a turquoise blue.​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Alone in the afternoon light

I was out walking in the snow enjoying the afternoon light, when I saw this tree backlit by the sunset. It was freezing cold, but I took off my warm gloves to capture a photo anyway. (Well, this picture is actually made up out of three photos using HDR technique.)​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)

Alone in the afternoon light