Watching the clouds

Going through old photos it’s easy to dream of times gone by. This is an old photo from a summer afternoon taken on one of my favorite places a few years ago.​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


What if

What if life was like a fairytale. One of the good ones, where ‘Happily ever after’ really did exist. In that fairytale it would be easy to leave the dark shadows behind in the enchanted forest and see the bright future meet you at the end of the gravel road.

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)

What if

In the brook

I often find myself crouching on the ground or in another somewhat strange position. This time I was halfway out in the little brook with my tripod trying to capture the smoothness of the streaming water.

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)



I wasn’t really looking for a taxi. I think… I just zoomed in on the sign.​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Feeling a bit moody

Not a good day for taking a swim perhaps. But quite good for feeling a bit moody.​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Flare in the tree

Just a quick snapshot from an evening walk. I kinda liked the way the sunlight flared in the treetop.​

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)

Autumn tree

Longing for some colors

In the middle of winter I’m longing for some colors. At this time of year I’d prefer some spring colors, but today these autumn colors will have to do…

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Time for reflection

I find that evenings often are a good time for reflection. Especially if you have a view like this to rest your eyes on.

Then why is it so easy to forget to reflect..?

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


Closed for the day

There is almost always something interesting to be found on the side streets when you get off the main road. This is a quick photo from Kissamos. It seems they have closed for the day.

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)


On the forest floor

When I still had my macro lens I apparently felt the need to lie down on the forest floor and take pictures of the autumn leaves from underneath. It wasn’t the macro lens fault though, I’m just into that kind of activity… :)

(Click the image, to be redirected to my Flickr site where you can watch it in full resolution.)
